
Self Actualization Counselling


Groundwork authenticity counselling grew out of my pervious psychotherapy practice. In my personal therapy I was always bothered by the distance and boundedness of my therapists, who never revealed any information about their life or themselves. Jung said therapy should be between two equal and authentic beings. I could not see how therapists could expect clients to be open and authentic, while remaining closed and hidden themselves. In my Groundwork practice I try to remain as open and authentic as I expect my clients to be.

The name Groundwork comes from Gestalt psychology. A figure has meaning depending on what ground (background) it is put in. You will notice that you are different in different situations. This is because you are being grounded by external conditions: your work, your partner, your associates, your environment. Groundwork attempts to help you ground yourself in your self, not in external conditions. You have the right to be who your are no matter what situation you are in.

Finally, Groundwork has a spiritual dimension. Spirituality is a much misused word, but in Groundwork it simply means becoming real. Your ego is conditioned to seek success, admiration, recognition, acceptance, safety and belonging. It will give you anxiety in seeking these things. Your authentic self seeks connection, love, exploring, and manifesting itself in the world. It will give you joy in seeking these things. Groundwork is spiritual in that it seeks to separate you from your ego’s conditioned needs, and allow you to pursue an authentic path of exploration, creativity and love.


Len is a graduate in philosophy from the University of Toronto. He studied psychiatry at the Clarke Institute, and has experience and training in Rogerian, Jungian and Gestalt therapies. He has been an actor, architectural designer, publisher, advertising executive and owned a media company. He was a teaching member of the McLuhan Graduate Program, and has practiced psychotherapy for eight years. He lived for two years with First Nations peoples. His videos explore a range of cultural topics, and you can find links on the Videos page. He lives in Toronto, composes music, writes, and is available for Skype and telephone consultation. He currently has clients in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, the UK, Denmark, Los Angeles San Francisco and Manilla. Many of his clients are artists, musicians, filmmakers, writers, entrepreneurs, therapists of all sort, and in general, anyone who seeks to live a more creative and authentic life.